Opening the opportunity for those who wish to register in the register of Poor and Miskin
5/20/2024 - 12/31/2025
The opportunity to apply for new registration in the register of poor and needy is open to the public from 19 May
Property Zakat will be paid to those who have registered in the register till the 01st day of Hajj every Hijri year. This year, the property zakat will be paid to those who have registered in the register till 08 June
Therefore, those who wish to register in the register of poor are requested to fill up the "Registration as Poor and Miskin Form" and submit it to this office. Applications for registration in the Poor Register will be accepted from 19 May 2024 from 09:00 to 13:00 on non-official holidays. The form is available from this office.
The rules for compiling the register of poor and needy are attached to this notice.
Therefore, it is hereby notified to the public.